Friday, June 14, 2013


Today is Flag Day in the United States.  It marks the anniversary of the Star Spangled banner in all its glory.  With all the anti-flag sentiment I feel there is a lot that needs to be clarified on the flag.  All my life I looked at the flag and saw it as the flag of our country and little more.  It represented the government and our democracy.  This is the view many people have and it is only recently that I have come to see how wrong it is.  The flag represents freedom and nothing more.  It represents everything our imperfect union strives to achieve.  It may represent an unachievable goal but it is in the effort to achieve it that we create a better world for all.

The United States was born out of a simple disagreement on how to govern people.  The colonies wanted representation and Old Britain would not allow it in its current state so the colonies rebelled.  To be honest, the colonies probably would have rebelled over anything at that point.  George Washington and the state representatives commissioned a flag e made to represent this new conglomeration of states.  What was created wasn't pretty but it was original.  Thirteen stars and thirteen stripes are what made up the flag. 

Modern day vexologists (study of flags) actually consider it to be very messy.  There is a lot on the flag these days.  It didn't matter at the time, it represented our new nation and this great experiment of democracy based on individual liberty and freedom struggling to survive against the most powerful nation on Earth at the time, Great Britain.  This young nation came together and struggled through two brutal wars for both independence and recognition.  During this second war called by Americans as the War of 1812 the poem called the Star Spangled Banner was written.  It spoke of the flag being the only shining proof that Fort McHenry was withstanding a barrage from by far the most powerful Navy on Earth.  Had Fort McHenry fallen that night, so would have the port of Baltimore and the ability for these United States to hamper the Royal Navy would have been crippled.  It represented a turning point in the war for recognition and as such popularized the flag as the symbol of the struggle of freedom.  It is a powerful image.  Battered barricades surrounded by enemy forces, smoke rising above burning buildings, everything at stake and nothing but hope and the lights of enemy bombardment to sustain someone through the night.  Above it all is the flag of our newly minted country representing everything this new nation stands for; revolution, freedom, and the guarantee by the first government in history that every person will never have their own life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness ever taken away involuntarily by anyone.  It also represents a state’s rights to govern its own people over any higher power.  Power should be reserved to be as close to an individual as it can if not solely in that individual’s hands as long as they do not impede upon the rights of other individuals or entities.
This image became so popular that it inspired colonies all over the world to revolt against their own foreign governments.  Next time you see an image of flags of the world take note of how many of them make use of the colors red white and blue.  The colors came to mean freedom around the world.  This wasn’t forced upon us by our government but instead by the rest of the revolting world.  If you think the Arab Spring was a huge wave of democracy, you should look into the first one started by the original revolution.  Next time you look at the flag do not look at simple stars and stripes.  Look at the colors that make it up.  You might be surprised by how this changes perspective.

What resulted within our country was the first political atmosphere in the world in which people argue not how economies should be regulated, who should have power over whom, or who deserves what.  Instead we have disagreements on what course of action or regulation creates the most freedom and liberty.  Whether it be freedom from fear, of action, or from the tyranny of the majority, every political issue is phrased into how it creates more freedom or liberty at least on one side.  This has changed political discourse all over the world.  At one point the Star Spangled Banner may have simply represented a country.  It hasn't been that simple for a very long time.  The second it inspired rebellion against tyranny all over the world was the second it represented far more than that.

These United States is a nation of peoples that did not originate here.  We are a nation of immigrants.  Even the indigenous peoples came here at one point in their early history.  The flag represents this unification of human life.  It represents the fat that people of different races, backgrounds, lifestyles, and beliefs can all live together in harmony.  How is it that people from all over the world can see the colors red, white, and blue all as a symbol of freedom and liberty simply because they happen to live in the same area.  Many people in this country were not born here even today.  What makes them different than other peoples who simply have not had the chance to live here?  The flag is a symbol for all peoples who strive and struggle for freedom.  More than that, it simply represents freedom.

The United States Federal government may not always get it right but that is exactly why the Flag does not represent it.  The flag represents and will always represent the struggle for freedom.  It is a sign that though we may not always get it right, this nation will forever work towards freedom, equality, and liberty for all people no matter what their race, ethnicity, beliefs, lifestyles, or origins.  It means that as long as a people or society agree with those very simple tenants, they have a right to take pride in the flag.  It doesn’t matter where someone lives, it is their flag too.  This is the reason why individuals are willing to die to ensure that it stays flying.  This isn’t some metaphor for defending our country or people.  It means they are defending freedom and liberty everywhere and in an increasingly volatile world it is in very short supply.  This is why someone can be willing to literally risk and give their life to protect it.  Congress, current policy, and the rest of the Federal government have absolutely no relevance.  It is and always will be about the hope and struggle for personal liberty and freedom everywhere for all peoples.

We believe all this so much that we gave the flag its own holiday.  The government has many holidays.  The flag represents something more than our history or government.  This is why I still salute the flag.  This is why I am willing to die for it.  It should have the right to be flown anywhere freedom exists or is needed as a symbol and nothing more or less.  The idea of freedom and liberty always deserves the light of day in my humble opinion.

Monday, November 5, 2012


I am an Officer in the US Army and I only am allowed to publicly have one political opinion of my own and it is one that I believe in from the bottom of my heart.  I am allowed to encourage anyone and everyone to vote and participate in our great democracy.  So thus, I believe that at some point tomorrow, you should vote and I encourage you to vote!  Vote!

I do believe that you have the right not to vote but I believe that you are wrong to do so and here are the reasons why.  Political pundits love to talk about the new game vs the old game of politics.  The old game was where the candidates would first get the support of their party and then try to win over the moderates or swing voters.  The new game is where candidates will attempt to rile up their supporters and political party enough to get more voter turnout in their favor.  This new game has caused BOTH political parties to move to extremism and even less agreement than ever seen before.  This is getting worse and worse as less people participate and vote.  If you do not vote you aren't just ignoring the issues, you are contributing to the problem.  You are the problem!

The more people that vote, and understand the issues, the less that our elected officials can get away with anything!  Also, the more news coverage that they will get among the major news networks.

Why your vote counts:

Go ahead and ask those few hundred people in Florida during the 2004 election if their vote counted.  Regardless of what you think of the electoral college, without it the NorthEast would have lost a lot of voting power this week due to Sandy.  It is also our system that we have to work with.  Think you live in a swing state and your vote doesn't count?  [Look at 1988 or 1992.](  The states that were swing states weren't what most think are swing states.  Also, how do you think you are ever going to change your state if you don't vote?  If you still aren't convinced, at least you can show how ineffective the electoral college is over time by scewing the statistics by voting!  We can vote twice every election in this country.  You missed the run off(Primary) where we get to vote among many candidates.  You haven't missed the final vote where we get to choose between the two best candidates. It isn't too late!

Don't like one party or the other because they are SOOO out of touch with the American people?  Vote! Think the other guy is the spawn of Satan and the definition of evil?  Vote!  Think one candidate is in the pockets of the corporations? Vote!  Think one has their head so up in the clouds that they cannot see what is actually going on?  Vote!  Think one is a flip flopper?  Vote!  Think one is too rigid and cannot make a decision based on different situations?  Vote!  Tired of the last four years?  Vote!  Don't want another war?  Vote!  Think a preemptive strike is completely needed right now?  Vote!  Cut spending?  Vote!  Raise taxes on the rich?  Vote!  Is one a religious fanatic?  Vote! Is one godless and immoral?

Think the two party system sucks and think we need a new faction?  You never are going to change it unless you vote!  Politicians listen to people who actually vote!

I love our great Democracy(Representative Republic) and I love people that vote.

It is your civic duty.

Vote! Vote! Vote! Vote! Vote! Vote! Vote! Vote! Vote! Vote! Vote!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Youtube DJ

Youtube DJ

So, I invented a music game utilizing YouTube for playing music.  Everyone knows that Youtube has a ton of music uploaded so there is plenty of material to pull from.  I noticed one day that there is normally music videos linked at the left of any music video you visit on the site and normally they are similar artists.  I then came up with my very own game.

Step One: Find one youtube video of a song to start.  It could be any song.  I picked  Animals - House Of The Rising Sun  from the website  

Step Two: When the song ends your next song you are to listen to will be on the right in the suggested videos section. Choose the first video that is not an advertisement and is not the same artist as one song that you have already listened to.
Step Three: Listen to song and repeat.

One playlist I did ended up like this:

House of the Rising Sun - Animals
Lola - The Kinks
Lou Reed - Walk On The Wild Side
Stuck In The Middle With You - Stealers Wheel
Mungo Jerry - In the Summertime
Spirit In The Sky - Norman Greenbaum
Soggy Bottom Boys - I'm A Man Of Constant Sorrow (Oh shoot)
Kid Rock - All Summer Long
Nickelback - Rockstar
AC/DC- Thunderstruck
Kiss - Take It Off (Uncensored Version)
Black Sabbath - Iron Man
W.A.S.P. - Harder Faster
Iron Maiden - Aces High

Alternate Rules:

  1. Pick any song on the suggested list that is your favorite and see where it goes.
  2. Try to get to a genre or specific video using above rules. (Try to get to classical from metal)

Friday, July 6, 2012

Hey /r/SanFrancisco!

If you remember, I had a post a few weeks back asking to meetup with a bunch of you.  A few took me up on the offer and it was a blast!

I have been all over the country and world and your city was by far a different experience and one of the best I have ever had!

This is me! (Link has all the pictures of me that I took)

I came out for Army training in almost the center of California.  You are welcome to look at some of the pictures I took there that I can post on the internets.  Included are some nice C-130 shots and a few wildfires/control burns we could get close to.

Here are the pictures I took while there.  They are things that I noticed when on my trip.  They are also what one will expect to see visiting this great city.

I walked and biked the trip far more than I did take public transportation.  I walked 12.9 miles and biked 20.5 for a total of 33.4 miles under my own power up and down your hills in two days.

After meeting a huge number of different people from all over your city, these are my conclusions:

  1. You have the cleanest streets I have ever been to!  I think this might be due to the fact that your city is on a series of hills and everything washes away leaving little to clean up for the residents but it is still quite a feat.  (This does not apply to Chinatown) Your back alleys are cleaner than most city's tourist destinations.
  2. You are as friendly and open as the Southeastern states and just as hospitable.  I was able to walk up to anyone local and simply start a conversation.  One of you had me even crash in your apartment.
  3. I'm pretty sure there are no two buildings in your city that are the same.  The architecture here is amazing and every building is original.  There is something to see in every back alley and I am extremely glad I walked everywhere.
  4. You have the best pizza I have ever had! It is here.  I have been to NYC and other pizza mecca but I do not think I have ever tasted pizza like I did there.
  5. AT&T park was an awesome ballpark but I do not think it deserves the title of the best.  That being said, it was pretty darn cool to be able to watch a game right on the bay.
  6. Your airports were the first time I have ever actually been frisked by the TSA.  No wonder you guys hate them.  Most other airports don't do that.  It sounds like a local issue to me now.
  7. I think you guys have the most record stores per capita than any other city. I was loving it!
  8. Your city is expensive! I don't think I need to say anything more.
  9. I smelled more weed out in the open than any city I have ever been in.
  10. I do not think it is possible to take a bad picture of Coit Tower.

Some additional thoughts:

  1. Seriously, who would build a city on hills like that?
  2. Although it was challenging, I'm glad that I was able to do my usual walking tour of your city.  I got to meet so many more people and see what it is really like to live there.
  3. Biking all the way to Sausalito and back was awesome and definitely worth it.

I updated my Google map for anybody thinking of traveling there.  I took off a couple things and added others. I would say that it is now an awesome two to three day guide for anyone wanting to visit this city.

I missed out on quite a bit so if I could come back someday I would definitely have the following on my itinerary:
  1. Off the Grid (Check the schedule) 
  2. Napa Valley
  3. Lawrence Livermore National Observatory
  4. Actually go in the California Academy of Sciences
  5. Go to an Oakland A's game

Thank you everyone that I have interacted with on this trip, it was a blast!  Also a big thank you to all the redditors that helped me in the planning process and met up with me.

If anyone would like to contact me for any reason (Spelling/grammar errors, suggestions, or just to say hi) you can catch me at Twitter, Google+, or Foursquare.  Job opportunities are always welcome and I am willing to move.